Another Day in the Life of a Retail Customer

Retail Performance

Another Day in the Life of a Retail Customer: The Importance of a Performance Culture During a recent shopping trip to a well-known retail chain, it became evident that a performance culture was sorely lacking within the organization. I have visited multiple locations of this chain to purchase various items for my home, car, camping supplies, and even Christmas…

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Giant Superstore against Amazing Little One

Comparison of Customer Service in 2 supermarkets

In today’s discussion, we will delve into a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of running a profitable business. To illustrate this point, I will share two enlightening anecdotes from my recent shopping experiences, highlighting the disparity between the Amazing Little Store and the Sluggish Giant. As part of my profession, I engage in frequent shopping for various items. In…

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Get Your Sales Staff Ready

Get Your Sales Staff Ready

As we approach the second half of the fiscal year, you may already feel it speeding by. Preparing now can set your team up for success during the forthcoming hectic times. It’s crucial to ensure your management team is closely monitoring each sales associate’s performance. This becomes even more important during quieter times when every customer counts and the…

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Unleashing the Power of Retail Performance Culture: 75 Strategies for Success

retail performance culture

A performance culture refers to a work environment where each employee is motivated to perform to the best of their abilities and where high performance is recognized and rewarded. In a performance culture, there are clearly defined expectations for individuals and teams, and their performance is consistently measured and managed in relation to these expectations. Key characteristics of a…

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Mastering Time Management: A 14-Step Guide for Retail Managers

Time Management for Retail Managers

Contrary to popular belief, the realm of retail presents unique challenges when it comes to managing time. However, certain proven strategies can help streamline your schedule and enhance productivity. In this article, we’ll explore these strategies, fine-tuned to fit the unique requirements of retail professionals. Audit Your Time: You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Dedicate a week to…

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10 Strategies to Boost Retail Sales

How to Boost Retail Sales

With the bustling holiday season behind us, you now have a chance to focus on managing your team’s sales performance. Thus, we are offering 10 strategies to boost retail sales, which can be helpful during coaching sessions. In the midst of peak shopping periods, assessing your team members’ performance can be challenging. Sales often come easy when customers are…

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Business Impact of Pillars of Retail

Pillars of Retail

The retail landscape was once predicated on four fundamental principles, often referred to as the 4P’s: Product, Promotion, Price, and Place. The human element, or ‘People’, was not deemed as significant during those times. However, with the management revolution of the early 1980s, triggered by seminal works such as “In Search of Excellence” and “Re-inventing the Corporation”, the significance…

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Story of $20 Fish Called Cotton Candy

Fish called Cotton Candy

“The ‘Big Al’s’ attendant viewed me as a long-term customer, despite my modest $20 fish purchase.” I’d done my due diligence, exploring online for a mini aquarium along with its necessary accessories: gravel, plants, conditioner, ornaments, etc. These items were already en route and set to arrive just in time. The only missing piece of the puzzle was the…

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Performance Based Compensation

Performance Based Compensation

It’s about time DMSRetail shared its thoughts on performance-based compensation plans in the retail industry. First and foremost, let’s debunk the misconception that performance-based compensation plans negatively impact the shopping experience. This is far from the truth. Instead, a well-structured, straightforward performance-based compensation plan can actually improve the shopping experience. Those who buy into this misconception fail to see…

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Store Manager is the Key to the Success of Your Store

Store Manager is the Key

The Retail Mаnаgеr Is The Kеу Tо Attrасtіng More Customers Tо Your Store Have you еvеr wоndеrеd why уоur rеtаіl store іѕn’t аttrасtіng аnd kееріng аѕ many customers as уоu wоuld lіkе? The аnѕwеr hаѕ muсh to dо with уоur store mаnаgеr. In mу уеаrѕ іn the rеtаіl industry I hаvе соmе асrоѕѕ ѕоmе outstanding mеn аnd wоmеn іn…

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